Let me begin this section with a bit of information and background on this industry. The automotive aftermarket racing industry has a reputation of inflating the truth, coming up with "Big Fish" stories if you will. Cylinder head porting & flow figures are one of the worst when it comes to this phenomenon. Most of you reading this (if involved in this industry for any amount of time) have probably fell victim to this. The ever growing marketing ploy of inflating own numbers just to make the sale only to realize once the heads arrive the flow figures on your bench don't match the manufactures numbers. Instead of high flow numbers all you get are excuses!
We have come up with a unique solution to this ever growing problem and have founded the benchmark for all others to measure their cylinder heads by. Consistency is the key ingredient to properly flow testing cylinder heads and being able to repeat accurate numbers. This allows our marketing to boast true and accurate numbers that anyone can repeat after the cylinder heads have left our shop. There are many things to consider achieving accurate & consistent numbers that will repeat anywhere, anytime!
A. DOWELED HEAD FIXTURE: One word: REPEATABILITY! The only way you can expect to achieve accurate results when developing a port is to make sure that the cylinder head is located on the flow bench the same each and every time it goes on. The only way to do this is with a fixture that locates off the cylinder head dowels. When you are developing a port and .010" is removed from the short turn you want to know the increase or decrease in numbers is from the .010" change and not from the head being shifted .050"on the bore. This is a must!
B. VARIOUS BORE SLEEVES: You must be able to flow test your designs on various bore sizes to see the effects valve shrouding will have on your design. The only way to do this is to invest in several different removable bore sleeves.
C. RADIUS ENTRANCE PLATES: Machined radius entrance plates are a necessity if you want to be able to repeat your work. We custom machine all of our radius entrance plates in house to match our various intake port openings. 1/2" radius is typically used so you can change port size and still have a radius plate with the same radius. Radius plates make the air entering into the intake port a constant. Most companies utilize clay and mold (by hand) the clay around the port to create a radius entrance. If the clay around the port takes on a different shape then flow numbers are skewed! Our radius plates are doweled and bolted to repeat every time, no question!
D. VALVE OPENING FIXTURES: This insures that every time you flow test a cylinder head that you are opening the valve properly. It enables you to guarantee that when you are recording measurements for.500" of lift that it is truly @ .500" of lift and not .600". There is no quicker way to achieve skewed numbers on the bench than to not have the valve open to the proper lift.
E. CALIBRATION: Flow bench calibration is the last (but certainly not least) of the necessary steps to retrieve accurate flow numbers from a developed cylinder head port. Our Saenz Digital 680 is used for flow and high air speed testing. Developed to flow 680 cfm @ 28" it has proven itself a very repeatable machine. We constantly check our bench's calibration with sharp edge orifice plates. At the beginning of a new project and after the final flow test is complete on a finished product, we check the calibration or our Saenz 680 to verify and insure that what we claim is what you get!
These items are the only way you can repeat accurate flow figures for your product. Yes, it adds time to the developmental process but it is the only CORRECT way a cylinder head port can be developed, reproduced, and be released to market with confidence. That is why we have invested so much valuable time and money into developing this system to guarantee you (our customer) that you receive exactly what you are expecting...the best cylinder head money can buy!


The only way to spot a cutting edge cylinder head port developer is to investigate the equipment they have at their disposal. It does not take a grinder, an air compressor, and a garage; it takes expensive, sophisticated, technological equipment along with experienced people to get the job done right!
MMCE is a full service race engine machine shop that utilizes our CAD/CAM software, CNC machining capabilities, Serdi seat & guide machine, Saenz 680 Digital Flow Bench & accessories, among others to supply our customers with the latest and absolute best cylinder heads that the market has to offer!
Several cylinder head porting options are available:
Bowl Port & Gasket Match: This is our minimum recommended porting process. Takes care of the two most critical areas of the cylinder head. (Intake gasket match only.)
Super Modified Porting: Chambers, bowls, intake & exhaust gasket matching. If you're on a budget but looking for the best bang for the buck this is for you!
Full Port & Polish: Full hand porting & polishing of the chambers, complete intake port, & complete exhaust port. (Includes flow sheet.)
Full CNC Port & Hand Polish: Our in house CNC has allowed MMCE to provide the absolute best cylinder heads your hard earned money can buy. Our programs include ports for everything from various Big & Small Block Chevy, Ford, & Chrysler (Specializing in SB2.2, SBC Wedge, 23 degree SBC, conventional & spread port BBC to name a few). We cater to not only the drag racing market but have several ports for circle track applications as well. If we don't have exactly what you need (which is unlikely) we can modify current programs or create an entirely new program to fit your needs! Every process from programming, digitizing, CAD/CAM development and solid modeling are all done in-house under one roof. This alone enables us to tweak any variable to fit your needs.
Cylinder head port development is never complete. Once a company "settles" it is quickly passed by. That is why we at MMCE constantly spend countless hours tweaking, changing, & re-designing existing ports to ultimately end up with best the industry has to offer!
MACHINING OPTIONS TO CONSIDER DURING PORTING: Race Recondition: Includes Clean & Inspect all Components; Race Valve Job; Grind Valves; Inspect Guide Clearance; Flat Mill; Install 16 Valves to Specified Chamber; Check & Correct Proper Valve Spring Installed Height; Inspect Proper Open & Closed Pressures, Coil Bind, and Free Heights; Install Springs; Vacuum Test Individual Chambers; Assemble Heads. Competition Valve Job: Cut Multi-Angle Competition Valve Jobson Serdi 100. (per pair) A necessity for ported cylinder heads to achieve optimum air flow.
Valve Profiling: Produces dramatic increases in low lift flow for additional horsepower and torque. A good option for ported heads. Includes machining proper back angles on the valves. |

Intake manifold design & porting is our specialty! From basic hand porting, blending & port machining to ultra-custom 1 off intakes, we have you covered. We have a variety of intake manifold CNC porting programs as well if you want the absolute most power available from your combination.
Port Match: Our opinion.....every engine built needs this process completed. It allows the transition from the intake manifold to the cylinder heads to be seamless thus creating more power.
Port Match & Blend Top: This is the best money spent on an intake manifold as far as porting is concerned. The most bang for the buck! Includes port matching, as above, and blending of the plenum and the intake dividers.
Full Port & Polish: Complements any head porting option for absolute maximum horsepower gains. Includes full porting and polishing of the inside of the intake manifold.
Full CNC Port & Polish: Please contact us for this service.

